About Us

About Epworth Town Colts

Formed in 1991 Epworth Town Colts are an FA Charter standard football club offering league and community session football to players of all ages, gender and ability in the Isle of Axholme area. With over 400 registered players and 32 registered teams, the Colts are one of the largest clubs in the Lincolnshire FA.

Club Vision

Epworth Town Colts believe that children and young people in the local area should have the opportunity to be introduced to football and develop their personal potential in a professional, positive, safe and caring environment. The club aims for this vision to be delivered by first class coaches and volunteers using first class training and playing facilities and we are committed to investing in both people and facilities to achieve this vision.

Club Aims

To provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to play football.

To ensure that all club stakeholders, play or spectate football in friendly, respectful and abuse free environment and that the club ethos of participation and not win at all costs is fully adhered to.

To raise standards of both players and coaches in order that all club members realise their full potential.

To ensure the club is managed and run effectively in accordance with FA good practice guidelines to provide a safe, sustainable, and developmental culture for all club players, coaches. volunteers and spectators

To develop a high quality playing and training facility that meets the current and future needs of the club.

To actively promote and market all football opportunities available and to increase the profile of the club throughout the local community.